OO Spaces

– Psychology for Architecture –

Architecture + Psychology =

Environmental psychology, architectural psychology, biophilic design, human factors science, cognitive ergonomics, ecological psychology, ecopsychology, environment-behavior studies, person-environment studies

Understanding people’s connections to the environment and using this knowledge to make better designs!

-> OO spaces helps designers with doing that.

analysis of a home

What can OO Spaces do for you?

OO spaces help architects, planners, and other people working on the built environment with understanding the user experience of architectural design and urban planning, using theories from psychology and applying them to the real world.

Why do research for architecture?

Research takes time, and time is not always available. However, users give spaces meanings and make it into something. As an architect designing environments, knowing what these meanings and experiences are, will improve the designs.

OO spaces tailor-makes lectures for your organisation, can be part of a bigger team to consult on people’s behaviour, and can do research with and for you.

Who am I?

I have BSc degrees in architecture and psychology, MSc degrees in architecture and environmental psychology, and a PhD in architecture focusing on home design from a user-perspective.

I have also been part of different research projects relating to social housing, sustainable behaviour, and public spaces.

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