– Psychology for Architecture –

Author: linnie

  • What is home? And what is home if there are more people? Answers to these questions and how home varies between people and in time, will be explored when this game is played. It consists of a flexible base, to make it smaller or bigger. Walls are added, with or without (openable) windows, and doors.…

  • People appropriate their home in three ways: By familiarising, organising, and managing their environment. Familiarising consists of what is home, which activities are shared, how the space is personalised, and the objects that are owned. Organising deals with meaningful objects, how the space is filled, what are the favourite activities, and how the dinner table…

  • Authors: Overtoom, Ortiz, and Sanders. Reports and documents collected by companies and organisations [in the Netherlands] who committed to the ‘gedrags-community’ were reviewed, based on questions formulated by them, on sustainable behaviour change. These questions were summarised as follows: A. What is researched in practice, concerning the reduction of energy use in the residential sector?…

  • What is behaviour mapping? Simply stated, it is just that: Mapping people’s behaviour. However, there are very different ways to do so. The ways to map behaviour not only vary on what types of behaviour are mapped, but also in the ways it is done.  Behaviour is a complicated thing. Everything you do can be…